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Seatography Maritime Commercial Services (MCS) are the UK's leading maritime specialist in providing surveying, inspections and monitoring visual solutions with the use of UAV/Drones. We are 100% maritime and marine industry focused and have developed products that are based on: increasing safety, limiting downtime and reducing costs.
What Can Seatography MCS Provide To Ship Owners?
We offer ship owners visual solution services that put safety and efficiency at the forefront. Replacing the need for human inspections (routine maintenance of hazardous and inaccessible locations) that can be monitored remotely in real-time by surveyors, providing instant feedback to the vessel or offshore Superintendent. This, in turn, reduces costs, increases efficiency and significantly reduces the risk to human life during essential maintenance.
Fast Response Visual Assessments
Unfortunately accidents happen and Seatography MCS can be there to assist with hull inspections and surveys at short notice providing ship owners and superintendents fast visual information to plan necessary repair works much faster.
Can Seatography MCS Provide To Port Authorities and Port Service Operators?
Abosulutely! Much like ship owners, port authorities and port operations businesses (such as port and terminal owners, towage companies and service providers) can fully utilise bespoke packages which can be provided via UAV and photo/video services from Seatography MCS
Monitoring Support
Our UAV’s we can be called upon to provide monitoring support for high-risk port movements which a recording of the event could be utilised for satisfying ship owners, port authorities and appease insurance companies of a job well done. Seatography MCS can provide recording and live stream solutions for all stakeholders involved.
UAV/Drone Tank Inspections
Tank inspections are a common task onboard vessels and are always a risk to the participating crew members. Depleted oxygen levels and dangerous gases are the biggest killer at sea: Often, failing to observe established safety procedures a crew member will enter an enclosed space – which unbeknownst to them, contains a noxious gas. This can be completely avoided by the use of a drone. With just a matter of minutes of drone flight, Seatography MCS's video feedback can be used to identify if human inspection is even required, significantly reducing any threat to human lives.
Survey And Asset Mapping
Seatography MCS can coordinate and conduct surveying and mapping of the port to ensure up-to-date information is available. We can also supply tracking and monitoring for those responsible for any environmental breaches.
Asset Management Inspections
Seatography MCS can be engaged for inspections of physical structures and also for maintenance of buoys, pipes, docks, breakwater cranes, roof-ships and other structures that are conventionally difficult to access. All monitoring and inspections can be viewed via a live weblink so you can watch the UAV’s working within the comfort of the location you wish, we can then forward all footage at the conclusion either in a fresh raw or alternatively edited format ready for presentation.
Working At Height
Drones can be flown into high up or hazardous areas to check the structural integrity of a vessel or of loaded cargo. Whereas previously this high-risk job was down to a crew member, now a drone can be flown to the inspection point, and with a high definition video feedback to the control centre, not only does this mitigate any risk, it is also far quicker.
The impact drones can have on safety considerations is sometimes difficult to measure, but easy to understand. Sending a drone to visualise a flare tip is far safer and more efficient than having a person climb up scaffolding. Seatography MCS's drones are also able to enter environments and conditions (in order to conduct the inspection of an industrial chimney, for example) that would otherwise need to be totally shutdown before a human could go into them, causing costly delays. By using the technology to gather survey data for inspection purposes, a drone of relatively modest cost can provide potential £1 million-plus daily savings for certain clients.
Port Security Solutions
We are fully aware that port security is at a point which is seeing an increase of unlicensed and unapproved drones flying in airspace in and around port areas, this is something we take very seriously. We will always seek approval from all port authorities when commencing work and would expect others to do the same – but what if others don’t what can you do and how can you combat this. Seatography MCS can consult and provide active monitoring solutions that identify and assist in illegal activity, and hopefully aid with local law enforcement agencies to stop this.
This all sounds like shipping and ports are your focus, what about the commercial products for the leisure industry?
We are developing commercial products all the time at Seatography MCS, and certainly see that we can offer products to the leisure marine industry:
* For sail-makers we can provide you on the water services for test bed and customer satisfaction to ensure sail shape is correct from concept/design through to build on to end use. Either by flying a drone overhead, behind or to the side tracking the yachts movement to filming onboard and integrating photos to feedback to the design team - getting real results which could lead to future sales.
* For riggers and rigging companies, we can provide fast and safe results without the need of sending anyone aloft or removal of a customers mast. Drones are also ideal for inspecting masts and rigging. Once again the drone’s ability to reach difficult to access areas is shown to be of huge benefit. Inspection is fast and simple and the rigger can remain safely at ground or sea level and gain a live feed of the work in progress.
Training And Safety Materials
We are proud to operate safely in everything we do and will always strive to maintain a clean zero accident record but we do not negate that a near miss is a chance to learn from to ensure it will not happen again and develop into an accident.
Training and continuous improvement of safety is so important in the marine industry and we believe engaging media is key to helping get the point across. With a mix of aerial and more traditional camera recording solutions, Seatography MCS can assist, create and provide modern comprehensive and engaging training and safety material including videos and photo libraries. These can be done in port and at sea with timescales that suit the clients itineraries.